The information we maintain is gathered from sources such as public records and landlord-tenant court filings. Under the regulations of the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB), Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), as amended by the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 (FACTA), we may disclose information about your credit, court, criminal and other related history to potential housing providers whom you have authorized to access the information in your consumer file.
We are a reseller of some consumer information such as credit reports obtained from the three national credit reporting agencies. If you need assistance with your credit report, please refer to the “Obtaining Your Credit Report" section of the enclosed instructions.
The links below will provide you with the information you need if you wish to obtain a copy of your credit or consumer file. You will also find information about identity theft and what actions you might take if you believe you are a victim of identity theft.
Please note: To ensure your privacy, we are unable to discuss your consumer file with you unless we have a written disclosure request and sufficient information verifying your identity. If you have any questions or comments with regard to this information, please contact a Consumer Relations representative at 1-800-228-0989 or email us at