Online learning in North Carolina has entered a new era. Known simply as "NCVPS," the statewide virtual school offers a host of online courses to school districts across the state.

What is NCVPS?
Beginning in June of 2007, North Carolina Virtual Public School (NCVPS) is an online school community that serves K-12 public school students to provide increased educational opportunities throughout the state of North Carolina. Courses are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Students use web-based tools, such as discussion boards, email, file exchange, collaboration groups, and online testing. Student-centered learning communities are established to promote student engagement and active learning. Students use tools such as BlackBoard, Pronto (text-based chat), Wimba(online classroom software), Voice over IP telephone, and more to allow for real-time communication with the online teacher. Because they are taught online, courses may be completed at school, at home or other settings where a computer and Internet connection that meet the requirements are located. The first offerings are aimed primarily at high school students. Middle school students will be allowed to take high school courses in mathematics, foreign language and science.

NCVPS offers courses in every scholastic category. All NCVPS courses meet the curriculum standards of the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. In addition, all courses meet recognized quality assurance standards for e-learning courses. Students are taught by North Carolina certified teachers and the grades earned will transfer to their local school and become a part of their academic record. NCVPS courses are offered free of charge to public school students.

NCVPS supports a wide array of instructional materials, online resources, and communication tools to foster 21st Century learning skills. Instructional resources include interaction with outside experts, simulations and case studies, debate, and the use of technology for student products. Alternate assessment practices may be utilized.
NCVPS Course Offerings
NCVPS Courses May Accommodate Students:

NCVPS Registration Process and Deadlines

  1. Visit to see classes offered and schedules. Select one or more courses you want to take. Look carefully at the enrollment guidelines.
  2. Obtain a Request to Take An Online Course for each course you wish to take. These forms are available from your school counselor. Fill out, have your parents sign, and return to your school counselor or distance learning adviser.
  3. Your request will be reviewed to determine approval.
  4. If your request is approved, you will meet with your school's distance learning adviser (see below for a list of those contacts) to complete your part of the registration process.

REMEMBER: Prior approval from your school's Principal is required before enrolling in a NCVPS course.

School NCVPS Contacts

School Counselor/School DLA Contact