Chapter 508 of Minnesota Statutes provides that certain instruments may not be accepted for filing by the Registrar unless certified by the Examiner (or Deputy Examiner) or pursuant to a Court Order.

The Anoka County Examiner of Titles does not pre-approve documents before closing. Documents submitted to the Registrar of Titles are reviewed by the Registrar/Torrens staff and then delivered to the examiner for approval before recording.

The Examiner of Titles does not charge any additional fees (recording fees apply) for approving documents.

Documents submitted for recording (Registrar of Titles)

Documents needing examiner review/approval include:


No fees are charged for examiner services (except for Initial Registrations). Recording fees for the Registrar of Titles can be found online (PDF). Tenth Judicial District Court fees can be found online.

Proceedings Subsequent to Initial Registration Hearings

Attendance is not required at the hearing except to object to the entry of the order as stated within the Order to Show Cause document.

Hearings are held Thursdays at 1:00 p.m. remotely via WebEx. Please refer to the Examiner of Titles hearing calendar to verify the date you are interested in.

If you wish to object to the entry of an Order, you must

Transfer on Death Deed (TODD)

These forms can be accessed and viewed via this link: Minnesota State Commerce website (Search - Area of Interest: "Uniform Conveyancing Blanks" and Form type: "10.8 Transfer on Death Deeds/Related Forms")

Transfer on Death Deed by Unmarried Grantor Owner (MS 507.071) Form 10.8.1
Transfer on Death Deed by Married Grantor Owner who is Sole Spouse in Title Form 10.8.2
Transfer on Death Deed by Married Grantor Owners Owning Property as Joint Tenants (MS 507.071) Form 10.8.3
Transfer on Death Deed Statutory form Form 10.8.4
Clearance Certificate for Public/Medical Assistance Claim Form 10.8.9
Affidavit of Identity and Survivorship for Transfer on Death Deed Form 50.2.3

Forms 10.8.9 and 50.2.3 are used after the grantor on the TODD whose death is the condition of transfer has died.

NOTE: 10.8.9 is specific to a TODD under 507.071 Subd. 3 and addresses claims under 5 sections of Minnesota Statutes; the Notice to Commissioner under 524.3-801 for probates addresses claims under 4 sections.