About Our Provider Network

Prime Health Services specializes in quality PPO development and is uniquely positioned to offer the largest directly contracted network of medical providers that is available. Our preferred provider network serves the workers’ compensation , commercial group health , corrections (indigent care) , Medicare , and auto liability markets.

Looking For Something More?

Looking for a preferred provider network that is more than just “dots on the map”? Network development is our focus and passion. While we do have providers located in all 50 states, our focus is in developing provider networks that meet the specific needs of our individual clients.

This is accomplished through customization and effective contracting in which there is no confusion on the part of the provider as to which of the market segments they are contractually agreeing to provide services. Our network of providers is comprised of those hand-selected based on their quality of care and strategic location.

As a provider in the Prime Health Services Network, you will help assure that the best care is provided – yours!

Our Offerings

Take a Look at What We Offer

Workers’ Compensation PPO

Our most prolific product is the customized network of strategically selected providers who have demonstrated a historical understanding of the unique requirements involved in treating workers’ comp injuries, and/or are receiving a large percentage of our clients’ medical payments.

Group Health PPO

We provide our clients with access to physicians, ancillary services, and hospitals nationwide. We are committed to the continual growth of this network to further meet the needs of our group health clients.

Auto PPO

Physicians, ancillary services, and hospitals providing first-party auto PPO care for our clients. Leading auto insurers are not only looking for access to a premier network contracted to handle the unique injuries of the motor vehicle injured patient, but as referral sources to make sure that follow-up care, beyond the emergency room, is accessed.

Along with access to quality care, insurers/payers are looking for quantifiable results in an outcomes-based setting.