How to cancel an Adobe subscription and what happens when you do

How to cancel an Adobe subscription and what happens when you do

In recent years, Adobe transitioned many of its customers from one-time product purchases to paying a subscription, which entitles you to ongoing product updates and cloud storage, not unlike the Microsoft 365 program. Adobe Creative Cloud , for example, can give you access to a suite of Adobe products like Photoshop, Lightroom, and Illustrator for as long as you make monthly payments. If you decide you no longer want to subscribe, though, it's easy to cancel.

How to cancel an Adobe subscription

If you purchased a subscription to an Adobe product or service through Adobe, you can cancel through the Adobe account page.

1. Open your Adobe account page in a web browser and sign into your account if needed. You should see all the products you're subscribing to on the Plans page.

2. Find the product you want to cancel and click Manage plan.

3. Click Cancel your plan.

4. Adobe will ask why you want to cancel. Select a reason and then click Continue.

5. Follow any additional instructions to cancel — Adobe might insert the option to continue your subscription at a discount or offer some other inducement not to cancel.

Quick tip: If you subscribed to an Adobe product through a different store or service provider, you need to contact that provider to cancel your service.

What happens when you cancel an Adobe subscription

If you cancel a subscription within 14 days of your initial purchase, you should receive a full refund. Otherwise, Adobe will simply stop any recurring payments starting with the next scheduled payment.

After canceling, you will still be eligible for some limited benefits and features: