Undergraduate Academic Regulations

All undergraduate students are responsible for complying with the rules, regulations, policies, and procedures contained in Alfred University's academic regulations.

(Refer to the current undergraduate catalog for specific degree requirements and course descriptions.)

100 Jurisdiction, Changes and Distribution

101 Jurisdiction

The regulations contained herein have been adopted by the faculty and Deans' Council with the approval of the President and will apply to all students, faculty, and administrators within the University.

102 Changes and Additions

Proposed additions and changes to college regulations may originate as recommendations by the individual college committees or faculties, the Deans' Council or the University Council, and must be accepted by the faculty of the appropriate college. Proposed additions and changes to general University regulations must be passed by Faculty Senate or a majority of the voting university faculty and accepted by the University President.

103 Official Copy and Distribution

The University Registrar will maintain the official copy of the "Academic Regulations". Upon adoption by the appropriate faculty, official changes and additions will be transmitted to the University President and the Registrar by the secretary of the appropriate faculty. The Registrar will distribute a copy of the official "Academic Regulations" to all faculty at the beginning of each academic year.

104 Interpretation

In any case where a question arises regarding the interpretation of these regulations, the Dean of the College or appointed representative will have the final authority in resolving such matters.

105 Waiver

Requests for a waiver of any particular provision of these regulations must be made in writing to the appropriate Dean, or to the Provost and Chief Operating Officer in the case of University requirements.

200 Graduation Requirements

201 Bachelor's Degrees

201.1 In order to satisfy the requirements for a Bachelor's Degree a student must: